6 tips for starting a healthy life journey

Journal - don’t worry about goals yet. Your goals are in the journey. But journaling is essential. Write down what you ate and what exercise you did. How you felt. No better motivator than seeing progress.
Tell a friend. Not the world. But a friend or two who you can confide in. Who will rejoice in your successes no matter how small? Someone to help motivate and maybe join you on this journey.
Start small - walk around the block. Drop the bread from lunch. Drink more water. Save the candy for one night on the weekend and not after every meal. Little change slowly become a lifestyle and that’s what we are looking to create. Healthy habits that will last us a lifetime.
Find something you enjoy doing. Try a new sport, ride a bike, take a Zumba class, play tennis. By finding activities you enjoy you are more likely to do them and stick with them. Part of the journey is making active living a way of life.
DONT see each misstep as a failure. It is simply a bump in the road. One to be gotten over, learned from and moved on from. Having a piece of cake for your nephews birthday is not the end of your journey. I hope you enjoyed it, now walk it off :)
Unplug - for 5 minutes or 5 hrs. Break from our smartphones, laptops, tablets, televisions and enjoy that which is serenely beautiful. Your kid's laughing, your garden, the smell of summer. Just be in the moment, be present, be the best you.